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Monday, December 7, 2015

Benefits Of Tea To Pregnant Women

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Benefits Of Tea To Pregnant Women
Benefits Of Tea To Pregnant Women - It is very important to monitor the health of pregnant women to ensure the health of the mother and the baby. Some expectant mothers are quite anxious because of the various changes that take place in their body. Doctors often recommmend a diet regimen for pregnant mothers and if you're among those pregnant women out there, you should be extra careful with your food intake to avoid any problems or complications.

According to some studies, drinking too much green tea during pregnancy is not good. Why is that? Well, doctors and researchers were able to prove that green tea contains caffeine. Caffeine intake is discouraged during pregnancy because of certain side effects. Despite the many health benefits of green tea which includes preventing cancer, improving the heart's health, boosting the immune system, aids digestion, lowers cholesterol, dental health, lowers the level of blood sugar, and many others, it is not advisable to drink green tea when you're pregnant.

Studies have proven that green tea contains EGCG or epigallocatechins which affects the use of folate in the body. Folate is very important during pregnancy because it can help in preventing birth defects in the neural tube. EGCG becomes harmful in pregnancy because it resembles the structure of methotrexate. The latter can get rid of cancer cells by bonding an enzyme called DHFR or dihydrofolate reductase. The folate pathway contains these enzymes and since the EGCG is similar to methotrexate, it also binds with the enzyme and when this happens, the enzyme is inactivated. Once the enzymes are inactivated, the body can't use folate effectively. There hasn't been any conclusive studies which show how much green tea a pregnant woman should consume or how much folate can be affected.

Some doctors recommend pregnant women to drink moderate amount of tea as well as coffee. If you're still unaware, green tea also contains caffeine and when you're pregnant, it's not good to drink a lot of beverages which contain caffeine. So if you want to be extra sure, don't forget to ask your doctor next time you have an appointment. Always keep in mind that your health and that of your baby is of great importance. Besides, there are already studies which proves caffeine to cause miscarriage and lower birth weight among babies. Drinking around six cups of coffee per day can definitely affect your baby's weight at birth. If you don't want your baby to suffer, you can have a cup of coffee a day or if you want, you can just stop drinking coffee. The caffeine content in green tea is lower than that of coffee and so you can drink more than one cup; but as said earlier, ask your doctor about it first. Pregnancy will only take nine months and so you need to enjoy it. Even if you experience a lot of body changes, just think that you will rejoice the day your precious baby comes. If you can avoid drinking caffeined drinks, then try to stay away from them.

Although the health benefits of green tea are remarkable, it does contain caffeine and no study has yet established the right amount of green tea intake especially among pregnant women. If you're not pregnant and you don't have any problems related to caffeine intake, then you can drink as many tea as you like. Right now, be careful in drinking green tea; perhaps you can settle for a small cup every other day just to satisfy your thirst for it. When you feel anything abnormal, seek the help of your doctor at once. Besides, its just going to be for nine months and after that, you can resume in drinking tea again. Aside from not taking caffeinated drinks, you're also not allowed to take just any kind of medicine because it can be harmful to your baby. It goes without saying always think of your baby's safety before you do anything.

Benefits Of Tea To Hair

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Benefits Of Tea To Nourish Hair
Benefits Of Tea To Hair - Who would have thought that tea is a very large casserole for healthy hair, maybe a lot of people are still hesitant to it, including me before. My first doubt about this, lha wong kok stale tea used for hair care, inikan even make damaged hair and the smell of my thought at the time. It turns my mind that time does not have a point at all, and indeed it is efficacious once stale tea. According to a hair expert from Korea stale tea contains many properties, especially green tea contains compounds that stimulate hair growth EGGG.

Tea Benefits For Hair

Stale tea benefits for the hair is obtained not by drinking it, it was only made of disease due to the oxidation process in the tea. Its use is to soak the tea with warm water and then allowed to stand for 1 day the place open. This is done so that the water that condenses tea silenced only when it is enough to use the tea water before / after bathing or shampooing by way dribbled slowly and evenly throughout the hair. After wrapping all parts of the hair using a towel / hair cover to keep hair moist until the half-hour interval, the goal is the tea water can be completely absorbed by all parts of the hair and not wasted by useless. After over half an hour rinse the hair with clean water. According to research from the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea has compounds that can help nourish hair and hair healthy. These compounds are called EGGG that in addition to having good properties for the hair turned out also functions to keep skin clear and healthy.

Tea Benefits for Hair Loss

To obtain good results, I suggest you use stale tea water derived from green tea. Water green tea has properties to reduce the production of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is the main cause of hair loss in a person. A study conducted by scientists at Korea stated that EGGG compounds in green tea increases the activity of dermal papillae which is the most important part of the hair that are not easily fall out. These compounds are also actively stimulate hair growth by increasing the body's metabolism. Metabolism very big influence on hair growth, high metabolic rate will stimulate hair growth faster and healthier. Green tea also contains antiseptic ingredients that are useful to remove dead skin cells along with dirt that may block the head of hair follicles. Hair follicles that are blocked to make any blockages that lead to difficult hair to grow back. If this is not resolved soon then not only the problem of hair loss that can be experienced, but also baldness.

Tea Benefits for Gray Hair

Gray hair is indeed very disturbing appearance of most of Indonesian people, even some people willing to paint his white hair using hair dye that contains dangerous chemicals that are not recommended by a doctor. Gray hair usually occurs due to a lack of nutrients the hair so that the color pigments (black for the people of Indonesia) is lost. Stale tea water derived from green tea can overcome this problem, at least for those who have not been evenly distributed his gray, this method can help you overcome these problems. Green tea has compounds that have a property to balance the pH levels in the scalp and control the production of oil. PH levels and a balanced oil reduces the likelihood of gray in your hair. Another important content of which is owned by the water from the stale tea is green tea polyphenols, vitamin C and vitamin E. Third stretcher content helps you get the hair healthy and shiny, this is of course to restore your hair previously damaged/gray and gray reduces the increase in your head because of exposure to sunlight containing ultraviolet radiation (UV).

From some of the benefits above the water actually stale tea also has benefits for skin health and help you reduce acne upfront, this is because compounds such as EGGG, Polyphenols, Vitamin C and Vitamin E contained in the stale tea. So, do not rush to dump tea that has been used, there are other properties that can be utilized for the health of hair and body.

Benefits Of Tea To Managing Blood Pressure

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Benefits Of Tea To Managing Blood Pressure
Benefits Of Tea To Managing Blood Pressure - Recent research has come down squarely on the side of caffeinated morning beverages, suggesting that coffee can protect against cancer and type 2 diabetes. Tea has enjoyed a healthy reputation for years as a heart-protector, and a study published in the October issue of British Journal of Nutrition suggests it might even help lower blood pressure. Researchers were intrigued by the inconclusive link in studies so far regarding blood pressure and tea intake, so they analyzed 25 randomized controlled trials the gold standard of scientific research to further explore on the association. They found that in the short term, tea didn’t seem to make a difference for blood pressure. But long-term tea intake did have a significant impact. After 12 weeks of drinking tea, blood pressure was lower by 2.6 mmHg systolic and 2.2 mmHg diastolic. Green tea had the most significant results, while black tea performed the next best. Those might not seem like big numbers, but small changes in blood pressure can have a significant impact on health, the study authors write. Reducing systolic blood pressure by 2.6 mmHg “would be expected to reduce stroke risk by 8%, coronary artery disease mortality by 5% and all-cause mortality by 4% at a population level,” they write. Tea is thought to offer endothelial protection by helping blood vessels relax, allowing blood to flow more freely. It’s a high source of antioxidants that have been linked to better cardiovascular health. The researchers weren’t able to pinpoint the optimal number of cups to drink to get the benefit, but other studies have shown protective effects at 3-4 daily cups. The researchers said they didn’t see a difference in caffeinated tea vs. decaf.

6 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

This week, two groups of researchers presented a major discovery in the New England Journal of Medicine: They identified mutations in a single gene that can help prevent heart attacks by keeping triglycerides—a type of fat in the blood—low. This discovery will likely help pave the way for the development of new drugs that mimic the effect of that mutation. In the mean time, if you want to keep your own blood pressure in check, talk to your doctor, and try these natural approaches:

Lose weight
It’s established that blood pressure can rise with weight, so maintaining a healthy weight range is one of the best ways to protect yourself. Losing weight has also been shown to lower blood pressure and lessen the strain on the heart. According to the Mayo Clinic: Men are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (102 centimeters, or cm). Women are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (89 cm).

Eat healthy
Consuming a diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables is a good idea to keep blood pressure in check. Studies looking at the Mediterranean diet—which is high in plant-based foods, grains, and healthy fats like nuts and olive oil—show it may have heart protective benefits. Why? It’s thought that compounds in these foods can lower inflammation, which allows for stronger and clearer blood vessels. And experts agree that whatever you do, avoid processed foods as much as possible.

Breaking a sweat can keep you protected from hypertension. Getting at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise many days a week can lower blood pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic. Even exercise like walking can be good for your heart.

Cut back on caffeine
Even if you do not have high blood pressure, caffeine has been shown to spike heart rate and blood pressure. It’s unclear why, but it’s possible that the adrenaline gets blood pressure to rise, or caffeine interferes with how wide our arteries are. Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others, so know your limit. Most public health agencies say that four cups of coffee per day should be your limit.

Chill out
Too much stress is known to get your blood boiling, at least temporarily. It’s not confirmed that stress causes high blood pressure, but the American Heart Association notes that the hormones involved with the body’s “flight or fight” response can make the heart beat faster and constrict blood vessels–that can cause blood pressure to rise for a short period. Taking care of your stress and mental health is important for your overall wellbeing, so don’t ignore signs you are feeling overwhelmed.

Avoid smoking and cut back on drinking
Nicotine raises blood pressure even after you’ve put the cigarette out, so people who smoke throughout the day are keeping their blood pressure elevated. Drinking too much alcohol can also temporarily raise blood pressure, and consuming a lot of alcohol similarly keeps these levels up. Not to mention, heavy drinking can lead to weight gain, which is another risk factor for blood pressure. Cutting back can lower your risk.

20 Health Benefits Of Green Tea

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20 Health Benefits Of Green Tea
Green tea has long been known as a replacement drinks such as coffee, etc., which are healthier because of the low content of caffeine and contains powerful natural antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants of this type not only helps nourish the body, skin, and hair, but also help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Green tea is also a healthy choice because of the way it is processed. Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant leaves are only steamed, thus preventing the loss of catechin content. While black tea or oolong tea is made from unfermented leaves, causing the loss of anti-oxidant compounds. Green tea is now very popular all over the world. A variety of food, beverages, health food supplements and cosmetics are now mostly made from green tea extract. Several scientific studies around the world found that the benefits of drinking green tea regularly have a lower risk of heart disease and even cancer. Compared with ordinary tea, green tea contains less caffeine. In addition, green tea also contains high flavonoid that has antioxidant properties and anti-carcinogenic. Here is a complete list of the benefits of green tea for health.

1. The health benefits of green tea for weight control

Obesity is one of the biggest problems in the world today. Lifestyle combined with eating habits of junk food and a few drinks can cause some complications associated with obesity, such as heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension etc. To prevent this from happening to us, incorporate green tea in our daily diet will be very helpful. As mentioned earlier, green tea contains natural antioxidants, polyphenols known as catechins. In fact, green tea contains ten times the amount of antioxidants that we can get from fruits and vegetables. Scientists have identified six types of catechins in green tea one of which is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG in green tea will increase the metabolism of the human body, so as to intensify levels of fat oxidation and turn it into calories, which in turn helps you lose weight. The benefits of green tea also will detoxify the body and suppress appetite, so that it can prevent overeating desire.

2. The health benefits of green tea to freshen breath

This is because green tea inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses that cause dental disease. Bacteria are also a major cause of bad breath. All you need to do is wash your mouth with a high concentration of green tea, and it will refresh your mouth directly. Green tea can also help to reduce the inflammation of the gums. You also can make toothpaste from green tea leaf liquid and mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. The benefits of that tea not only will help reduce inflammation of the gums, but also will prevent the growth of plaque on your teeth.

3. The health benefits of green tea to Reducing Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in the body can pose a risk to your health, especially heart disease and stroke. Green tea contains tannins which have been known to lower cholesterol naturally in the body. Tannins help reduce LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in the body. LDL is also known as "bad cholesterol", because it can cause plaque in the arteries, causing blockages. Scientific studies have also shown that catechins will reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, thus helping to reduce the problem of high cholesterol. You also need to avoid foods high in cholesterol in addition to drinking green tea regularly.

4. The health benefits of green tea to nourish skin

A number of studies have been carried out taking positive conclusions with regard to the benefits of green tea for skin. Anti-oxidants are also beneficial for the skin, and it is widely available in green tea. Green tea also contains a number of compounds that help the skin becomes radiant, and these benefits can be gained from drinking or topical use. Cosmetic formulations containing green tea is a good choice, as this will reduce sun damage. Polyphenols in green tea is known to slow down the signs of aging. Mix 100 grams of green tea and half a liter of water, and let stand for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. After that strain the liquid and store in the refrigerator. You can use this mixture to refresh your face after a long day, treat mild rash, and solar heat treating scars. It also will help you to clear up acne and prevent coming back. Green tea leaves can also be used as an exfoliator. Mix 3 teaspoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon water and green tea leaves slowly to massage the face, then let stand for 5 minutes. Finish then wash with warm water. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins is one of many antioxidants found in green tea, which helps slow the aging process.

5. The health benefits of green tea to Reduce allergic reactions

EGCG found in tea hijaumenghasilkan histamine and immunoglobulin, which is a compound that includes generating a response to allergies. Thus it will help stop the reaction of certain allergens.

6. The benefits of green tea to nourish hair

Green tea is known to inhibit the growth of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which is known to inhibit hair growth and cause hair loss. Green tea compounds react to testosterone, so the amount in the blood remain balanced so it does not react with the 5-alpha reductase and changed into DHT. Also help prevent and tackle hair problems like dandruff common and psoriasis by reducing inflammation as antiseptic properties. Green tea is also known to stimulate hair growth and hair smoothing. This is because it contains polyphenols, vitamin E and vitamin C, which is known to increase hair luster. You can make a hair rinse using 3-4 brewed green tea bags into a pint of water, and use this for the last rinse after you wash using shampoo and conditioner.

7. The benefits of green tea to Managing Diabetes

Green tea also helps to manage diabetes type II, because it contains natural antioxidant that inhibits the secretion of enzymes known as alpha - glucosidase, which in turn will slow down the absorption of glucose in the blood. Similarly, only a little insulin is needed to manage the glucose in the blood. Green tea can also help improve glucose tolerance in healthy people.

8. The benefits of green tea to Managing Blood Pressure

Green tea contains caffeine, which is known to be good for people with hypertension. But because the percentage of caffeine green tea is very low, the overall positive effect on the heart. This helps to manage diabetes and cholesterol, high blood pressure has come out of control.

9. The benefits of green tea to Prevention of platelet aggregation

Flavonoid Antioxidants in green tea has been known to prevent platelet aggregation (which is the triggering factor of cardiovascular disease). Thus, intake of green tea may be beneficial for patients with coronary heart disease. In fact, research reveals that green tea can reduce the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease in men and women.

10. The benefits of green tea to Pregnancy

As we have discussed above, green tea has many benefits that are popular among pregnant women. High levels of antioxidants that will help the body to restore damaged cells, regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, and help control hypertension. Hypertension and gestational diabetes is a common problem in late pregnancy. High level of oxidant green tea helps reduce the likelihood of this problem, as it will help boost the immune system of pregnant women. 
Caution: Although drinking green tea is safe for pregnancy has its benefits, it is important to consider some of the risk factors. Green tea contains caffeine, albeit in very small quantities. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means forcing the body to excrete more water than usual, which sometimes can lead to dehydration. Maintaining the level of hydration is very important during pregnancy, because dehydration can prevent the body to absorb the nutrients necessary. Pregnancy requires an increased intake of vitamins and minerals, and diuretics can facilitate nutrient loss through the urine, so in this case it is important to consult with your doctor.

11. The benefits of green tea to Preventing Arthritis

Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This is because it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme production of chemokines. Chemokines are proteins that promote inflammation in the body, which is said to destroy the flexibility of cartilage - which is a common symptom of arthritis.

12. The health benefits of green tea to Prevent Skin Cancer

Polyphenols contained in green tea inhibits the growth of two proteinvascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which is known to promote the growth of tumor cells. Green tea helps prevent cancer due to carcinogens and ultraviolet light.

13. The benefits of green tea to reduce stress and depression

Stress and depression are two other problems that threaten our peace of mind. Green tea can actually help you to fight depression. Research conducted by the American Botanical Council has found that older people who drink green tea every day more and less likely to be depressed. Green tea is actually good for your brain, because the polyphenols in green tea helps the brain to maintain the supply of its greatest need is glucose. In addition to anti-oxidants, green tea also contains compounds called Theanine, an amino acid that helps reduce stress and anxiety. Theanine is also an anti-depressant.

14. The benefits of green tea to improving immunity

Anti-oxidant polyphenols and flavonoids will help boost the human immune system, so that will make us healthier by helping to prevent and fight infection. A large amount of vitamin C in green tea also help you effectively the same way.

15. The benefits of green tea to relieve the symptoms of Asthma

For people who have severe asthma problems, green tea is very useful because it contains theophylline, which is claimed to be able to relax the muscles of the bronchial tubes, thus reducing the severity of asthma. As mentioned above, green tea also reduces sensitivity to allergies, so keep an allergic reaction to any asthma.

16. The benefits of green tea to Healthy liver

Green tea is also good for the health of the liver because of anti-oxidants in it, dimanayang will eliminate free radicals that will help keep your heart healthy. It also reduces the risk of fatty liver.
As said if green tea also helps maintain weight and obesity by increasing the metabolic rate, and prevent the movement of glucose in fat cells. Thereby helping to reduce pressure on the liver.

17. The benefits of green tea to preventing Osteoporosis

Low bone density is a common problem women, especially after menopause. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle, and cause an increased risk of fracture. High fluoride content in green tea will help maintain strong bones and slow down the damage, thereby reducing the chances of developing problems such as osteoporosis.

18. The benefits of green tea to curing Diseases Stomach

The ability of green tea destroys bacteria not only make it an antiseptic, but also helps prevent the common stomach ailments such as food poisoning infections etc. But is not recommended to consume in excess, because the tannins in green tea is known to increase the secretion of acid in the stomach.

19. The benefits of green tea to Natural Sunscreen

Helps prevent free radicals that settled in skin cells, which would weaken the protection system of the skin, causing the formation of wrinkles on the skin.
To make sunscreen, boil half a cup of green tea leaves with two cups of water for 5-10 minutes on medium heat. Strain and allow the solution to cool to room temperature. To use it, take a small amount of clean cotton balls to help apply on clean face. You can store the rest in an airtight container.

20. The benefits of green tea to nails become more powerful and shiny

Green tea is also a substance that can make the nails strong and healthy. To eliminate yellowing of the nails, soak your nails only once a week. By doing so you will get your nails strong and shiny after a few weeks of use. You can also use essential oils of green tea as a cuticle oil, do I just give a drop to each nail once or twice a week. This would overcome the problem of brittle nails.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Benefits Of Tea To Freshen Breath

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Benefits Of Tea To Freshen Breath - A cup of inexperienced tea warms the soul and freshens your breath, and even fights infections. Two new laboratory stories add to mounting proof of the wellbeing advantages of tea. Within the first learn, carried out at percent school, green tea extracts had been mixed with several one of a kind kinds of micro organism, including those who reason strep throat and enamel decay. The researchers located that benefits of green tea was mighty at fighting bacteria with the aid of inhibiting their progress.

"Our research shows tea extracts can damage the organism that explanations ailment," says lead researcher Milton Schiffenbauer, PhD, a microbiologist and biology professor at percent university in NY city, in a information unencumbered. Correctly, the equal gain knowledge of suggests that advantages of inexperienced tea also helps toothpaste and mouthwash fight viruses by using eliminating bacteria. Toothpaste or mouthwash by myself demonstrated little effectiveness at fighting viruses. Nonetheless, through including inexperienced tea extracts, the bacteria were practically eradicated and the toothpaste used to be then able to combat off the viruses.

What's accountable for the well being advantages of inexperienced tea? Teas incorporate polyphenols, which might be antioxidants that defend human cells from harm. Flavonids are a gaggle of polyphenols that arise naturally in tea. It's suspected that prime phases of these polyphenols within the physique can battle viruses as good as melanoma, together with pancreas, colon, bladder, prostate, and breast melanoma. Within the "dangerous breath" study, researchers mixed black tea extracts with three species of bacteria (all linked with unhealthy breath) in petri dishes for forty eight hours. They when put next the outcome with bacteria that sat on my own.

In all cases, green tea polyphenols inhibited the development of bacteria by using 30% and decreased the construction of compounds that cause dangerous breath. The gain knowledge of means that rinsing with black tea maintains plaque from forming and destroys acids that motive tooth decay. "besides inhibiting the growth of pathogens in the mouth, black tea and its polyphenols may just improvement human oral health with the aid of suppressing the dangerous-smelling compounds that these pathogens produce," says lead researcher Christine D. Wu, PhD, professor of periodontics at the institution of Illinois, Chicago, in a information liberate. Both studies detailing wellness benefits of tea had been awarded on the annual American Society for Microbiology basic assembly held in Washington, D.C., this week.